Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Trees and Spheres and Automobiles (and Bob Ross, Too)

What are you doing for the next 33 days? No real plans? Me, neither. However, one man in Florida is camping outside of a Best Buy to get a great deal on a TV come Black Friday. He also says he wants to raise awareness for homelessness. He only has access to a bathroom during business hours at the store. Does that sound fun to you? It does NOT sound like a way I would want to spend all my time up until the day after Thanksgiving.

Along Last Dollar Road, we came across this area where there were bands of gold at the top and bottom of a stand of aspen. It really caught my eye. And the sun shining on everything really made the gold shine.

I decided to also capture a photo in landscape mode to display broader bands of color.

As we drove a little further down the road, we came across some deer out in the field.

Speaking of trees and things, have you ever heard of Bob Ross or The Joy of Painting from PBS? No? Happy trees? No? Would you like to see, step by step, how to paint the winter scene below? No? Well, then, move on. There is nothing to see here. If you are interested in the painting below. watch Season 1, Episode 4 in youtube. In fact, the entire first season is available on youtube.

Have you ever wanted to post your own IKEA product reviews? Would you do it in the store on the actual products? Well, this guy did. Read some of the crazy things he said. There's even a Narnia reference. Here's an example.

Nothing says Halloween like a cookie cutter. Wait, what? It seems you can use a cookie cutter to let your kids create e family-friendly Jack-O-Lantern. Read the details here.

Hey, how old are your cars? Our newest car is a 2002 model, so they are getting on up there in car years. Would you like to know 10 cars that CBS News says you can keep for 10 years? Read about them here. Number 1 is the Honda CR-V.

More and more, both husband and wife are working, making the bread for the family. I went with that analogy for today's CoV.

This blog is not earning the bread for me, so I had best do some real work. Have a Terrific Tuesday.


Keith said...

Nice pictures, bro!

CrazyUncle said...

Thanks, Preacher. They might be yours.