Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Does E Really Equal MC Squared?

Do you know what happened 100 years ago this coming March? Albert Einstein published his general theory of relativity. Einstein believed that "space and time are not fixed, which was what others had thought, but are flexible, dynamic phenomena like other processes of the universe." He posited that the speed of light is the same in a vacuum, and the laws of physics do not change regarding inert objects. And as has been proved by atomic clocks on land and in a high-altitude airplane, time would move more slowly in proximity to a powerful gravitational field, such as that of a planet in the void of space. This last fact is used in keeping GPS systems synchronized.

Wait. If space and time are not fixed, then maybe the events depicted in the movie Back to the Future could still come to pass. In fact, many of them have, while others are not yet our reality. See which things they got right and which were missed in this recap. Why is this even a thing to discuss? Today is the day that Marty McFly jumped to in his future. Oct 21, 2015.

I don't know if you know who won the Lay's new flavors contest, but I do. Should I end the suspense and tell you? OK, I will. It’s official: Southern Biscuits and Gravy is the winner of Lay’s annual “Do Us a Flavor” contest. Go try it today. It sounds perfect for breakfast, right?

You can wash those chips down with soda. Here is a list of the top 32 sodas, ranked from worst to best. The worst, as evaluated by calories, carbs and sugar. Then, they examined each can’s ingredients and gave demerits to sodas with more chemicals and additives than those that were nutritionally similar. The worst was Fanta Grape, which contains more sugar than a bag of Skittles. Seagram's Ginger Ale was #2. #1 is shared in this article.

Let's pause for a moment of humor. If not, let's at least pause long enough to read today's Clarity of Vision.

Did I mention we were in Telluride last week? Of course, we both know that I did. Here is a photo of Main Street.

While we were there, we went into a show store looking for some new hiking boots. Here is a shot of seven shoes for sale. What? You only see six? That because there is a shoe on the lower shelf that is camouflaged, so you cannot see it.

Finally, another downtown Telluride shot that I liked because it has the old sign for a hardware business still on the side of the building.

The Beatles will soon have a new album, entitled 1+1. Do have an appetite for a newly remastered version of familiar songs? Obviously, Apple is betting that enough of us will. This story includes a new video of them singing Revolution. I enjoyed it. Will I buy the album? Right now, I am guessing no, but who can say for sure.

Speaking of revolution, have you ever heard of the Civil War? For some reason (and it is NOT because I was actually around back then), Matthew Brady's photos of the war have always fascinated me. At the time, the technology did not exist to take color photos, but some Reddit users have made some of the shots into colorized versions. Read the story and check them out. They really do seem to come to life. Here is an example, and that is General George Custer in the lower right.

Did you hear that buzzer in the background? It means my time is up for working on today's blog post. So, make it a Wonderful Wednesday, go home and watch Survivor tonight, and we will get back together soon. I promise.

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