Friday, October 23, 2015

Pumpkin and Paper and Polythene Pam

We are sneaking up on Halloween, one of the holidays we all celebrate that do not involve any days off from work or school. You may have noticed that grocery stores and drugstores have a large are of candy for sale. However, my point in raising this topic is to talk about pumpkin carving. Of course, I did this for years with my kids and now, grandkids. However, nothing I carve could ever look like the work these guys do.

I also know that I am not an artist when I see stories like this one. An artist uses paper cutouts to alter our perception of famous landmarks. Pretty creative.

I do enjoy taking photos, and I enjoy seeing other types of art, but I am no artist. That becomes painfully obvious when I look at a site like this and watch the video. A guy draws a single line in a circular pattern, and the width of the line varies, creating an amazing portrait. Go look at what he has drawn and watch the video of him actually creating one of his pieces.

While I am not much of a selfie-taker, I do try and capture a shot of our hiking shoes whenever we go on vacation. Here is this Fall's entry into that elite club. As you can see, it was taken facing South from our deck on our cabin.

One morning, we headed out to capture some colors before the weather or rain caused them to fade or fall. Here is a shot of a little cabin in a stand of aspen near the road.

Here is the same shot with a wider angle view. I actually like the tighter view, although this wide angle does include more of the aspen. Also, does it look like the sky is fake? I think so, but that is how it looked.

I found an interesting article this morning where a guy dissects The Beatles album Abbey Road. What he says makes sense, although I have never personally evaluated every song, where it leads, why it matters compared to the previous song, etc. If you are a Beatles-aholic, it proves an interesting read.

No, I am not sick. Why do you ask?

Boo at the Zoo is right around the corner. Will you be going? It includes both scary and merry activities. Yes, we'll be going with the GRANDS. And also to celebrate Daughter-in-love's birthday. Does that mean she won't be preparing any food? I think it might. I mean, what's up with that? She won't be spending all day in her kitchen for her birthday? Fine, I suppose she can take ONE day off.

Have a Fabulous Friday, and a Wonderful Weekend. See you in a few.

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