Monday, March 09, 2015

Movies and Watches and Gummy Bear Brains

I was looking at some photos last night and realized that this one looks like a scene from Deliverance. Don't you agree?

So, any guess what movie this photo reminds me of? I went with National Lampoon's Vacation. I will not speculate which person reminds me of Chevy Chase. Plus, we have already taken our grandmother off the roof of the car.

Now, this one should be obvious. One person in a valley. Mountains in the background. Come on. The Sound of Music. Yes, I know it is a male in my photo and not a female, but still. Can't you imagine him spinning out there?

The Chorale sang at a nearby RV pack last night. Twice a year, we engage some local musicians so we can have a 25-piece orchestra. It is fun for us and for the audience. The particular park usually packs out the hall where we sing, so there are maybe 700 people there. After the performance, we were walking towards the cars when a couple asked me where I lived. I told them and they remarked, "Oh, we thought you lived here in the park." Of course, not everyone who lives in the park is a winter visitor, nor is everyone retired. Still, it shows I am of an age where that mistake is not a total shock. Plus, my right foot is somehow hurt, so I was limping.

In Quartz this morning, an article entitled 'This is what happens to your brain when you stop eating sugar' caught my eye. As you can guess, there is nothing new here. We can and do become addicted to sugar. The story was published because a man is giving up sugar for Lent, but it is challenging because hidden sugar is everywhere. It also mentions, and I know this, that when you start back, everything will taste too sweet because you are not used to the taste.

Did you hear about a speech recently where Obama claimed the Selma march was responsible for his birth? The article explains it better than I could.
“There was something stirring across the country because of what happened in Selma, Alabama, because some folks are willing to march across a bridge. So they got together and Barack Obama Jr. was born.” Obama was born in 1961. The Selma march took place in 1965. His spokesman, Bill Burton, later explained that Obama was “speaking metaphorically about the civil rights movement as a whole.”

Apple will likely announce its Watch today. How many of you will rush over to get the 'latest thing'? Not me. It took me several years before I upgraded to an iPhone, and a cell phone is something I already carry. Why would I now need a separate watch when I can glance at the time on my phone? Why, I ask you?

You must admit that this college pitcher's style is a bit unorthodox. You might even admit that it is a LOT unorthodox. He must be in good shape, though.

What instrument do you play, if any? Guitar? Bass? Piano? Violin? Drums? Can you play them all on the same instrument? No? Not so fast, my friend. You can now. Artiphone's Instrument 1 will allow you to do any of the above, and more. Watch this video to be impressed. If you want to see some people playing all the different instruments at once like a band, jump down to about 3:40.

I admit that I am still well over 50% following the vegan diet. I have added chicken, but no other meats (yet). I have not added milk products in, either (although I could choose a non-cow milk as described here). Anyway, here is a summary of seven different diets and their pros and cons.

I have enjoyed sharing with you, but I enjoy receiving a paycheck more. So, I need to get to work. Check out today's CoV recycled from 2009 on your way out.

1 comment:

Keith said...

I have to say, that antiphon is very creative.