Monday, March 23, 2015

Bad (of the Breaking type) or Good (of the candy type)? Which Do You Prefer?

On Saturday, before we started the overnight database upgrade, we spent the day at a Scottish Highland games. We saw games, bands, cars, food, but missed the dancers. Today, we will be looking at Traveler, the first of the bands we watched. Here is Scott, the lead singer and violinist, with Heisenberg from Breaking Bad behind him (his name is actually Mark). Doesn't he look like him? That was his expression for both happy and sad music. [Full disclosure: we did buy one of their CDs]

And this is the whole band. You can tell we were about midway back in the crowd.

Scott was the type of violinist that likes to jump down from the stage and wander through the crowd, playing up to everyone listening.

This is the sound man for the band.

He resembles Opie from Sons of Anarchy.

I mentioned my work-all-night project above. We finished close to on schedule at 8:40am instead of the planned 8:30am on Sunday morning. No problem emails have cropped up in the last 24 hours, so that s good. I took a short 2-hour nap yesterday afternoon and then went to bed at normal time last night. So, we will see how today goes and whether or not I fall asleep during the day.

And here is a project manager-related comic from May, 2009. I think the sentiment still applies.

I know what you are thinking. You naughty person. OK, maybe you weren't thinking of something naughty. You might have been thinking that I seem to have a lot of links in my blog for IKEA-related stuff. Well, you would be right, and now, I am going to add to the count. Here is yet another article about ways to enhance your basic IKEA buys. Read on, MacDuff.

If you had the chance, would you sneak into a place like the Astrodome in Houston to explore? Remember, if you get caught, it could mean some jail time. I think the fear of a police record might stop me, but I would like to capture some photos. You can see what some buddies did back in 2012 here.

World record peanut butter cup, anyone? Anyone? Buehler?

Would you be willing to have a license plate which displays the Confederate flag on it? Even if YOU wouldn't, would you defend the right of others to do so? Well, the Supreme Court is investigating that very thing in a case from Texas. I don't think I would want one. It is just too controversial.

Do you need some ideas for creative Easter eggs this year? I found a Pinterest page with a whole bunch of ideas. See which ones capture your imagination here.

Hmm, I just got an email saying that the help desk received a number of downtime calls over the weekend because of my project. I am headed over to the operations center to see why the downtime message did not reach them and how I can do better next time. So, until next time, I am outta here.

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