Thursday, March 20, 2014

That's Gotta Hurt

Yes, my mouth is still pretty sore. I ended up getting 1 root canal, 2 new crowns, 2 fillings in 3.5 hours. It was not fun...nor was it cheap...even for my out-of-pocket expenses. Everything should be back to normal for the rest of the week.

As I was looking through my Spring Break photos, I found a funny sequence that I thought I would share. First, let's look at JV with his typical "I'm not impressed" face.

However, Stitch was not giving up without a fight.

Just a minute. I think I see the ice breaking.

Yes, that is definitely a smile.

Now, it is like they are best buddies.

Those photos came out fun, right? Now, let's look at a Clarity of Vision inspired by my visit to the dentist and our discussion about being vegan.

Speaking of CoV reminds me of a previous CoV where I talked about The Dis being very crowded. And it was. However, this house makes The Dis look like it was as empty as Montana in the winter. Read on.

Here at work, we have to change our password at least every 90 days. And we cannot repeat a password within 24 months. And sometimes, security breaches mean we want to go to the interweb and change some of our regular sites. What is there were an easier way to have a password that changes every time you use it, but you would always remember? That'd be cool, right? Read this and see how one company is looking to allow just that.

Is Superman also supersmart? Would he be able to create his own superpasswords all the time? Maybe, but he could certainly superchase anyone who used his passwords, right? This video is a clever way to make a superlooking video using a drone and a GoPro camera.

And speaking of flying, this app looks really cool. Finally, something Siri can do well. I know JV and his fascination with airplanes would use it all the time.

I need to get a couple of things finished before the team meeting this morning, so I am going to duck out. You guys stay and finish your coffee. We can meet again tomorrow.

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