Thursday, March 13, 2014

That Magical Mouse

He charmed us again over the last 3-1/2 days. We scooted over the The Dis for a birthday trip for the eldest granddaughter. We had a great time, and great weather, and I even found great food. Sounds like it was great, right? Well, it was even though that sounded like the setup for a joke wherein something bad would be added. Nope. The only bad thing is that I have not yet shared any photos. We were busy last night resting and unpacking.

I didn't create a Clarity of Vision comic last night, either. So, I did it today. We went to the Skecher's outlet store on the way home and I saw the sign just like you will see below.

We saw Matt Walsh one day at the Grand Californian Hotel. We know him from his work on HBO's Veep. We did not talk to him. He was on the phone and fussing at a kid to "stop dropping things and throw it in the trash".

Did you hear about Star Wars being written by Shakespeare? 'Tis true. If it were watched when 'tis watched, then 'twere well it were watched

I am not seeing anything to share today. I've got so much to do after a three day absence in the office, so I am going to do some of it. I will be back tomorrow, though, Lord willing and the creek don't rise.

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