Thursday, March 06, 2014

Batter Up!

We have made it to the Spring Training team event this afternoon. Lunch at Chipotle, then into the stadium we will go.

A long time ago in an email far, far away, I wrote down this idea, but just got around to reading that email last night. As I did, I came up with an idea on how to present it using the Clarity of Vision format.

Will these two lovebirds ever get together? You know what they say. Never say never.

What music do people prefer where you live or maybe where you are from? One thing I noticed in this diagram is that The Civil Wars is the popular group in Alabama. It should be no surprise, though, who is the favorite in New Jersey.

And here is a diagram posted especially for Salesman Son. I know he probably still has a jersey from that this guy gave him when we were in San Antonio. Notice that he mostly plays in the middle of the court, but does seem to own the area under the baskets.

While I was thinking about what else to share today, I came across a bookmark for Mix Magazine Classic tracks. Here are some notes about Paul McCartney recording Admiral Halsey in 1971.

When you went to college, did you take the SAT or the ACT? I took the ACT while on a family vacation to NM. I think we were in Santa Fe and the family went and did something fun while I sweated and struggled through the test. I do not remember my score except that it was high enough that I got a small academic scholarship my Freshman year (I lost it when my grades did not stay in the top 5%). Anyway, I see that they are tweaking the SAT this year and will no longer require kids to know what sagacious means and will be dropping the essay question.

Chocolate chip cookies and milk? In one bite? Yes, please.

An $84,000 piano played by the Beatles in the movie Help? Yes, please. Oh, wait. I would have to pay for it. Never mind.

Have any of you been watching the 8-episode True Detectives show on HBO? Teacher Daughter came through last night and asked if she should spend the time to catch up on it. After pondering (that means deep thinking for those of you about to take the SAT), I said it was interesting but not really worth binge watching. That's just my take. You are welcome to disagree.

Speaking of TD, I think she has Vista on her laptop. Why hasn't she upgraded to a newer OS? I suppose she doesn't see the value for the price. Have you upgraded at home? I see that XP is still on 30% of the country's Windows boxes. Many, when faced with the need to upgrade, simply move over to a Mac. Some of us forward thinkers are already there. Nanny, nanny, boo boo.

Whoa. Look at the time. I need to boogie, so y'all have a good day.

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