Friday, March 07, 2014


Thank goodness it is almost Bella's birthday.

More and more, today's youth are so tech savvy compared to those of us in their parent's and grandparent's generations. So, we should not be surprised how quickly they can figure our smartphones and tablets and stuff.

Here is a photo I lifted from Facebook showing some white-haired due at the game. We had a good time.

Hmm, I do have some chickpeas at home, and I have been looking for an interesting way to cook them. Crunchy sounds nice.

Are you planning on seeing the movie Noah? Whether you are or not, this Yahoo story is really interesting on how they designed and built the ark for the movie. Watch it. Now.

Do you like photo-realistic drawings? How about watching one being created? How about both?

Do you like oatmeal? Have you ever wondered whether steel-cut is healthier than rolled oats? You say you have never thought about it? I have...and now I know the answer. I am not going to tell you, though. You can read it for yourself.

Do you like your job? Well, since I have to work for a few more years, it's good that I like mine. And to make sure that I keep it, I need to get Friday started. Y'all have a great weekend.

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