Friday, March 28, 2014

No, You're Too Smart

No, I don't think anyone ever told me that, but I do think that people were told that when they tried out for Hell's Kitchen. Have you ever watched it? Some of those people don't seem to have any sense (even ones that can cook). As you can guess, I am watching that while typing this blog post on Thursday night.

I do have a Macbook, but I do not have a Macbook Air. I've heard the Air is much lighter than my laptop. Still, I wonder what's next.

Let's check out some old family photos.

Hey, Dad. Can I borrow the car?

Would you kids stay out of my way? Your father will be home soon and I want to have dinner ready.

I want to quit piano lessons. I mean, I can't even tell where middle C is. Can you?

Have you read about the new dangers of texting while walking? Apple has, and they have a plan to help combat it. How about having the screen behind the messages be a live view of what is in front of you? Would that be helpful? We'll see.

Today, Friday, is TMI Day. No, not Too Much Information. It is the day that, back in 1979, the worst nuclear accident ever in the US occurred at Three Mile Island in PA. I heard during my commute that no new nuclear plants have been built since in the US.

I just found out that Preacher Bro cannot drive camels on the freeway where he lives. Shocking, right? Learn more about some weird driving laws in this Yahoo article.

It has been a while since I flew, but I know that flights still face lengthy delays and people getting bumped. Maybe you can get some payback for those aggravations (especially if any of them occur in Europe). You can learn more here.

Do you like Les Miserables? Apparently, so do Neil Patrick Harris and Jason Segel.

If you follow this blog, you know my family enjoys Disneyland. I wish I had seen this guy there. If he pranked you, would you be annoyed or think it was funny? I would think it is hilarious.

OK, let's end the week of blog posts now. There will be more next week, though. Yes, I promise.

1 comment:

Keith said...

Well, pshaw! I guess I'll try to sell my camel.