Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Waiting for the Sunrise When Darkness Still Reigns

The western US is known for spectacular sunrises. However, as I look out the window, I still see darkness. I expect the sun to rise in a little while. I pray it will. However, I cannot see even a hint of it right now. For those of you (or those that you know) that are in difficult circumstances right now, your sunrise/Sonrise is coming. Have patience. It will happen in its time. So, whether it is divorce or money struggles or job difficulties, God knows what is happening. He knows your struggles. Ask Him for guidance and His peace.

Whew. I barely escaped with my life. As soon as I walked in, before I could boot my machine and create CoV and this post, a guy was already wanting to talk about his project. What's up with that? What's up with that? Where is the decency in the workplace? Where is the respect for a man's workspace? I answered his questions and then got back to the important morning activities. So, you are seeing the worthwhile results of my availability.

It looks like mid-March for the East Valley Chorale CD recording sessions. No, I am not excited right now. They are expecting it to take around 10-12 hours, or about one hour per song. The director said that many times, we may have to stop a recording and restart for something as innocuous as a cough, or the sound of a page turn. We should practice a song on Tuesday night as if we were recording and see how difficult it will be when sensitive microphones are listening. (Hmm. Is there a CoV in the ways to interpret the word sensitive?). It will be a challenge, for sure.

Speaking of CoV. let's read today's and politely chuckle so the cartoonist feels justified in creating it.OK, thanks for the displayed amusement, even if it was forced.

I got a note from the boss yesterday asking what I was working on this week and if I could work on some training materials. Hello. When the boss says something like that, it is hard to say no. So, I explained my workload and still listed a couple of things that I felt were more time-bound. He wrote back saying thanks and go ahead and start the training docs. OK, I'll work on both.

I am still thinking about The Price is Right. I guess I am leaning toward it, although I am sure it will be about $150 to go over Sunday morning and return Monday night. Still, it will be a good team bonding activity and an experience I would probably never again have the chance to do. I have to decide by Thursday, so look for an update tomorrow.

OK, another interruption for work questions. I think I should go ahead and move into workday mode. Doing so moves me one day closer to weekend mode, so let's get going. Talk to you again tomorrow.

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