Thursday, January 20, 2011

A Peculiar Pinkie

We took the dog for a walk last night and ended up with a dislocated pinkie. Kathie took a spill on some dried leaves on the sidewalk and reached out with her left hand to break her fall. When I got to her, her left pinkie was at about a 45-degree angle to her hand. We got home and put a cold compress on it. She moved it back into position and it did not discolor, so we chose to treat it at home as a dislocation. Today, she is taping it to her ring finger and we will see how it goes.

In further Kathie news, she will be joining the Price Is Right caravan on Monday, so that will be fun. Ali will watch the house and dog for us. Yep. I asked her to "come on down."

Some people may also think my brain is dislocated, and I suppose I could not disagree. Sometimes, even I wonder how my mind gets from one idea to another. And then, it sometimes engages my mouth to say things that even I know I should not say. Or things I should not write, such as some of the Clarity of Vision cartoons. This one is not too offbeat.
I am frantically working to meet the deadline of having training ready for this coming Tuesday. I also have an email message this morning because they have already put the changed screens into production, and one PM tried to update a project but got an error message. So, I will need to investigate when the support team comes in to work. Still, I have a job and I enjoy it...two reasons to celebrate in today's work environment.

I also enjoy the mild winter weather here in the desert Southwest. It looks like North Texas may be in for some more snowy weather. Actually, our weather is cooling down here, too. It will only reach 69F today.

The granddaughters are feeling better. They called us last night, but could not talk long because it was time to play in the bathtub. Yeah, that shows you where we rank.

Alison said she liked the American version of the BBC series Being Human. Did you watch it? It is about a vampire, a werewolf and a ghost living together. Sounds intriguing, right? We recorded it and will check it out.

I here someone in a nearby cube. Hopefully, it the dude that is working on this tool with me and we can investigate the error and get that fixed. So, while I go do some CSI on our PPM tool, you finish reading this and then stay home and rest. You've done enough for today just wading through this rambling post.

1 comment:

SuzieQ said...

You have got to turn off that autocorrect..I think you meant HEAR..."I here someone in a nearby cube." Though they may be "HERE"...which is there...