Wednesday, January 26, 2011

OK, Now I'm Sore

Did I mention that we rented an 7-passenger van for the trip to California? The problem was that there were 8 of us in the van, so I ended up sitting on a box of 10 reams of paper between the middle seats. That meant I had an uncomfortable seat and no backrest. We drove over Sunday and back Monday night. I did not notice anything yesterday, but today, I feel the soreness in my back. Mainly in the lower back and the shoulder blades. I sat on a small blanket and leaned back a little using the arm rests from the two seats to support me on my shoulders. Can someone stop by and give me a massage, please?

At least we played games during the drive. We played Trivial Pursuit (without using the board, of course) and Catchphrase. I declared myself the winner. No one needs to worry about who go the most right, OK?

You can see our photos before The Price Is Right by going to this link and choosing the Jan 24 8:30am taping and looking around photo 210 or so. And don't forget to check us out on TV on Feb 15. It is on at 9:00am here in PHX.

Kathie went to another doctor yesterday and they are sure she will need pins in her broken finger. So, off to another specialist. I am not sure of the timing yet. They did put a much larger splint on her left hand now.

OK, I turned to the Bible for today's inspiration. Well, let's call it a loose interpretation.

Some of the team worked late last night moving new functionality into production. So starting today, we need to scrub the data and get everything correct before we tell the clients that it is enabled. Sounds fun, right. Plus, I am still trying to even see what functionality they implemented and create the training documentation. Plus I still have some metrics work to get done.

All of that is to say, "See ya." I gots to go and get it started. Drop by tomorrow and I'll let you know how far we got.


Craig Weeks said...

I so want to screen capture that photo and post it to the HPU Alumni page on Facebook.

SuzieQ said...

I found you at 12:30 - not 8:30. I am sure you guys got on!!! One if you had to!

SuzieQ said...

Oh...and poor Kathie...she is sooo tough, just taping it to her other finger and going to work that first day!!!