Friday, January 14, 2011

First Comic Standing

We will go ahead and start this post with a comic strip. Even though I don't think today's' CoV is really denigrating our current president, I will not be forwarding it to a couple of members of our team here. This more about the alternate interpretation of a word than the names included. What do you think?
Kathie thinks I am a Goodwill junkie. There are several within a few miles of the house, so I like to cruise by and check if they have any games for $1-$2. I mentioned just a few days ago that I found two new (new to me) games there. Last night, I did not find any games, but we did pick up a few books (again for $1-$2 each).

I got pulled away by the early bird again to talk about his project and the upcoming milestones. I am back now. Let's try to finish today's post before he returns.

Yes, you were all wondering what I was going to do about The Price Is Right. I told the manager arranging the trip that I would go. It seems that, right now, he does not have enough people saying yes to make it feasible. I guess he'll make a decision within a couple of days. I would not want to miss out on the shared experience, but I will also not lose any sleep if it does not happen.

I don't know of any big plans for the weekend. I think Ali will be with us since her housemate is leaving town for the extended weekend. Maybe we'll catch a movie if there is anything all of us want to see. It will be hard to top The Social Network.

Last night on The Million Dollar Money Drop, the final question was "Where do teenagers spend more time? TV or the internet?" What would you have guessed? The couple on TV missed it, and so did Kathie and I. He gave a hint that the winning option was 3X more popular than the other one.

Did you guess TV? We didn't. I was sure that social sites, Youtube videos, music, would all mean internet was more popular. I would have lost it all.

How many of you have MLK day off? I never did at Motorola, but I guess since we are an education company, we take many of the school holidays off. So, a three day weekend. Whoo hoo.

I made it to the end of this post with no further interruptions. So, I will get my groove on for the weekend once I put in a long, hard, challenging, grueling, (I cannot think of anymore adjectives for a workday) day at the office. I need to get it going so I can get it done. Have a good one and I will see you Tuesday.

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