Friday, February 19, 2010

V-Day 2010

Memories of the Annual Valentine's Day Food Massacre.

We started with a set of clues that Isabella had to decipher.

This led to gifts, including markers that are made for glass. Notice that she knows how to write Pops (in the lower right corner). Her Kindergarten teacher will be impressed.

Lyndsay sure seems to enjoy cooking, while I think Kyle is plotting to take over the world.

And I know Kathie enjoys eating.

One of the games Kendall likes is to tell me who is in all the pictures along the hallway. As always, Kendall is holding Lumpy (the stuffed animal, not me).

It takes serious tongue-extending concentration to play with Aqua Sand.

Meanwhile, Kyle plots to take over the world.

Lyndsay made them open their gifts three times before she felt the scene was well-played. It was something about Kendall over-acting.

Kyle said they did not have enough chairs if everyone wanted to sit down, so Kathie and I had to share.

Then Kyle told me that they did not have enough silverware, so Phyllis and I had to share a fork.

And then Phyllis had to share her fork with Kendall.

While Phyllis had the fork, Kathie and I had to share her fingers.

Meanwhile, Kyle and Casey plot to take over the world.

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