Tuesday, February 23, 2010

He Never Watches Curling At Home

Don't you hate it when online software changes and you didn't know it was coming? Like the way Facebook changed it homepage look and feel? Well, Blogger showed up today with a change in the way it displays a new Post as you are entering it. It may be good and I may like it once I am used to it, but for now, it's just weird.

So, last night, I wanted to watch curling and Kathie wanted to watch ice skating. Yeah, we watched ice skating. Since it stays on until 11pm, though, we did not see the top pairs skating. On an Olympic theme, though, here is Clarity of Vision.
Kathie and I continue to recuperate from our cold/flu stuff. It just seems to hang on, or at least the stinking cough does. Luckily, Alison did not get it...yet.

Did y'all drop Mom a note or call her for her birthday yesterday? Hers is always on Feb 22, unlike George Washington, who moves his birthday to a Monday every year. Maybe we should all do that. Maybe I can find a CoV on that theme?

Well, it seems that my time for blogging is over for now. I've got to get that agenda ready for my everyday meeting.

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