Wednesday, February 17, 2010

How You Feeling Now, Punk?

Actually, yes. I am feeling a bit punk today. Sore throat, nagging cough. I decided to come in and try and share it with those in nearby cubicles. Aren't I the friendly sort? I went home early and doped up on Dayquil, then took Nyquil at bedtime. I slept OK, but since I am at work, I took nothing this morning.There is just so much to do.
Hey, LOST was good last night. Did y'all watch it? Not everyone? OK, we can discuss it later. I just Googled Terry O'Quinn (Locke) and Abram cast him without an audition based on his work in West Wing. He is good.

Well, as usual, time has crept up on me and I need to work on the Agenda for the morning meeting. Pasta la vista, baby.

1 comment:

Keith said...

Are you ill? We're missing you! Absence does indeed make the heart grow fonder.