Friday, February 05, 2010

It Isn't Mine

I have not been called for Jury Duty. Alison has. Luckily, it is for Mesa and not downtown Phoenix. Still, she moved it out to the summer since getting off school as a teacher is a hassle. However, Kathie is off today because of illness. Get better, Dear.

Why am I talking about jury duty? I wrote this cartoon before I knew about Ali's jury duty summons. A lady at work told me about dressing rough-looking and fixing her hair in a weird way so she is never chosen. That came out looking like this...
We have an East Valley Chorale concert tonight. That is a bit of a pain, but it does mean we have nothing on Sunday. So, Super Bowl and commercials, Here I Come.

Do you ever have one of those weeks at work? You know the kind I mean. Everything seems to hit at the same time. I had already worked 41 hours this week when I left last night. And I don't ever work from home, so that's a lot of hours doing whatever I do here at the office. Whew.

Well, y'all have a great weekend and I will catch you on the other side. No, of the weekend, not in Heaven. Well, that, too, but hopefully, not after this weekend. Fine, you know what I mean. Bye.

1 comment:

Unknown said...