Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Didn't We Already Do This Yesterday?

I suppose it could have been a year since our last Groundhog's Day, but it seems more recent than that. Oh well, I could not let today pass without a nod towards that great Bill Murray film called...what was it?...oh yeah, Groundhog's Day.
So, what is up tonight? Do not say "Nothing" or you will be LOST forever. OK, I will give no more hints. However, for some of us, TV must wait until another day because we have Chorale practice. So, I guess I will have to watch LOST tomorrow night.

Is your To-Do list growing exponentially? It seems mine is. At work, it is up to two Post-It notes. I count 17 items. At home, it is not quite as long, but does include some less fun things such as work on our tax form and replace the wax seal on both toilets. Yeah, that's why the list is growing and not getting done.

1 comment:

The Grandparents said...