Monday, February 08, 2010

It is a Simple Yes or No Question

What is the question?
Actually, we did watch the game, and it was a very good one. And the commercials weren't that great. Oh well. We had a good family time watching it/them. And we played Bananagrams. That was fun.

We had a Chorale concert Friday night instead of Sunday, which was a good move. I don't know how many chorale members or listeners would have skipped out for the game if it were on Sunday as usual.

I did see the girls on Saturday, but we just went to the mall, so no photos.

At home and here at the office, I keep my "stuff" in organized piles. However, there are a few too many piles to call it organized. I have got to clean both places up. Here at work, I need to make sure I am not missing deadlines, and at home, I need to gather tax materials. So, in front of each of you, I am setting a goal to set a goal this week. No, not necessarily do it, just set the goal. I will let you know.

For now, it is time to get my very stinking morning report done. Y'all come back now, y'hear?

1 comment:

Craig Weeks said...

Back in ye olde IBM days we called that "setting a date for a date".