Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Tomorrow is Tax Day

I have already sent in my taxes, both federal and state. I sent both in online this year. Alison has been doing that for a couple of years. Federal was free with my purchase of TurboTax. It cost $20 for them to handle the state. For those of you with no state tax, it would cost nothing extra, and you save $0.82 because there is no postage. Plus, if you get a refund, it should be in two weeks or so instead of six. OK, enough sales talk.

I burned the roof of my mouth on pizza last night. Don't you hate that? Now, I have this dull pain all the time. Still, isn't it amazing that God created us with a way for our body to heal itself after something like that? Or like a scab forming after a cut? Or new skin forming after a sunburn? What will our perfect, heavenly bodies be like?

At prior employers, we have had the conference rooms available for reserving online. Here, it is a mix of an electronic request and a manual reservation by an admin. That is what prompted today's CoV. It's not quite this extreme, but I had to jazz it up a bit to accentuate the punchline.


Craig Weeks said...
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Craig Weeks said...

I'm warnin' you, now. Don't make that catering request. The minimum charge is $212 billion. But, if you must, delivery is included.