Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Hindsight is 20/20

After creating one of my comic strips, I don't see it again until the day I send it. As such, I don't always review it as I should. On today's Clarity of Vision, I wrote the final panel with particular incidents in mind. Unfortunately, the full connection is not presented in the panel. It is actually around being laid off. Many companies walk you out immediately, and then ask that you come back in with a guard to clean out your desk. My idea for the comic was that you sneak in at night and take all your stuff. That is not obvious. Oh well, not every strip is hilarious. You are not paying anything for it anyway, so no complaining.

So, I saw aunts and uncles that I may never see again this side of Glory at the funeral. That was really fun. So many people have commented that they have found the same to be true for their lives. Sometimes, it takes a loss like this to bring scattered families together. We took a lot of pictures of the old hometown, and I should post some soon. We do not know what would ever take us back there, either. Anyway, my point is that I saw my cousin, Lewis. When did he get old? He's 10 months older than me. Maybe that's it. Also, remind me to tell you some of the nicknames the family could remember of people that grew up there. (Here's a hint. One of them was "Speedy.")

Carey is working on a family genealogy. So far, she has traced us all the way back to 1960. Whew! Slow down, girl. OK, maybe a little earlier than that in some family trees by 100 or 200 years. Interesting stuff, though.

1 comment:

Sam said...

We used to call one of Gerald's brother, Speedy, for years.