Friday, April 03, 2009

Not Working From Home, Not Even At Home

Well, I am not working today. I am in Big D on my way to Neen's viewing tonight and funeral tomorrow. We did not get to bed until around 2am TX time. And yet, I still woke up at 5:45am PHX time. What is up with that?

Since we were stuck at the airport yesterday for 8 hrs or so, we played several games of Guillotine. Yeah, you know it. The game where you get ahead by getting a head. I never won. Carey and Dad seemed to own Mom and I. You can see where the bloodthirstiness of our family resides.

1 comment:

Craig Weeks said...

Let me 'splain somethin'. I don't know if you are notified when someone who has subscribed to your blog unsubscribes. But if you see that I have canceled my subscription just know that I'm not hatin' on you. With Google Reader I don't need no stinkin' email any more. And that's that.