Wednesday, May 18, 2016

I See a '9' and a '1' and Another '1' Two Times in Today's Post

I woke up this morning thinking of a song we practiced last night at Chorale. I Want Jesus to Walk With Me, arranged by Lloyd Larson. You can hear a group singing it on youtube.

One of the most interesting and stirring places we visited in NYC was the 9/11 Memorial site. Here you can that they have built pools into the original footings of the two World Trade Center buildings. They also put up a museum on the site, and there is a single tree that survived near the South Pool.

Here is a look into the South Pool.

And they have erected a new building beside the site. Freedom Tower, also known as One World Trade Center.

You can see its reflection here beside the South Pool.

I was pulled into a math problem on Yahoo this morning. True, I do like those types of problems, but primarily, I was challenged by the title "This Math Problem Will Make You Question Everything You Ever Knew About Alegbra." Yes, I copied it, so I know they misspelled the word 'algebra'. Anyway, here is the puzzle.

So, did you get 1,3,7,9? Those are the most common responses. Which is it? Nuh uh. If you don't know, read the article.

Let's change one letter from a title and see what happens.

From the famous inanimate objects that look like faces file comes this flummoxed fromage (see what I did there with alliteration?):

For two days in a row, now, I have remembered to share the day's Clarity of Vision comic. I don't think that is a record, but it's a good sign.

My current 'hot' project remains hot. I have a big deliverable due at the end of today which requires input from a number of different teams. If they don't hot their deadline, I cannot hit mine. I need to start dropping some reminder emails soon. You don't have to hang around while I do this, though. Go ahead and start your day and we will catch up tomorrow.

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