Friday, January 16, 2015

It's MY Friday

Yesterday's post noted the fact that I was out sick during the early part of the week, so it was my first day back. Imagine my surprise to find it is already the last day of the workweek. The good thing is that I can rest a couple of more days before work kicks up again. The bad part is that I have soooo much to do and I am getting behinder. I have some goals due at the end of February and now only have six weeks left to reach them. Ahhh.

I will start this paragraph asking if you are watching Galavant on ABC. We saw the first one, but haven't taken the time for the second episode yet. That might give you a hint as to how 'meh' it is. The reason I am asking is Galavant is a musical and I usually like them. So, our first photo for today is one I caption, 'Climb every mountain.'

Once we get up into the mountains (you know...for singing), we have to have some down time. I caught a couple of the chorus members resting their voices.

When you get pizza, do you eat it at the pizzeria, have it delivered, or bake your own at home? If it is the latter choice, I have a tip for you. There is a way to cut a home-baked pie such that you can have some extra just for yourself. Check this out to learn the secret.

Do you feel safe in your state? I know that is a broad question, but I ask because Movoto has created an analysis of crime statistics over the last ten years and you can watch to see if your state is getting safer or more dangerous. You can read more about it and watch the graphic evolve on their site.

Isn't it time for a April, 2009, memory?

How many evenings have you sat alone in the dark, watching some mindless TV program or movie, and thought to yourself, "Self? Why am I wasting time and brain cells doing nothing when I could be learning something?" Maybe not that often, but it might have happened at least once. Anyway, you can learn about computer networks, or becoming a better photographer, or setting up a home music studio, or creating a web site, or all sorts of things through LifeHacker Night School. And the cost! Go look through the site and see if something appeals to you. Then try it.

As I sit here looking for things to share, I realize I am still not 100%. Man, this is tiring. I think I will end today's post now and we can both go rest a bit before the rest of the day overwhelms us. Have a great weekend, folks.

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