Monday, December 30, 2013

Written During a "Frozen" Dance Recital

I am writing this while watching the Dallas Cowboys fall to the SF 49ers, and the GRANDS are doing a dance recital to the Disney Frozen soundtrack. I already watched the AZ Cardinals end their season earlier today.

[Monday memories] Following the Frozen songs, JV decided it would be funny to walk around to each of us wearing his blankie on his head. Crazy kid.

This past weekend, we went to see Apple: A Beatles Tribute band. They did kind of wear similar outfits, but they are not trying to imitate the look of the Beatles. They did sound a lot like them, though. And they did some less common songs that we pretty fun (for instance, when was the last time you heard Tomorrow Never Knows?). The venue, however, was less than ideal, but we landed on the very front row. The main speakers were behind us, so we were not blasted out. However, the vocals did not feed through the monitor speakers, so we heard them more faintly.

Time Travel time. Here is our Bass Pro Shop experience this year.

And here it is for 2012. We did not get a chance with Santa that year.

And finally, in December 2011, pre-JV.

Today's CoV is a challenge everyone who holds conference calls faces.

I am not finding any more stories to share with you this morning. Did you all have a good Christmas week? I know we did.

Alas, it is a workday, and the stuff does not seem to be completing itself, so I reckon I'll get involved. See you tomorrow.

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