Monday, December 16, 2013

Countdown to Christmas

How was your weekend? Mine was busy.

Two concerts, a birthday party, a work Christmas party, looking at Christmas lights, having the GRANDS for a while, the season finale of Survivor...all of that added together means I did not get around to uploading any photos for today's blog entry. I thought I would get preemptive before you went crazy wondering about that.

One of the birthday gifts is a copy of the newest Straight No Chaser CD and tickets to see them in concert. Sounds fun, right? You don't know about them? Check out this video of their version of the 12 Days of Christmas.

Speaking of work Christmas parties, we have an org-level one coming up on Thursday. I am supposed to bring a main dish. I would really like to bring a vegan one, but am not sure what translates as a main dish. It would be nice to show people that vegans can eat some tasty stuff, too.

And before you start wondering about this, here is today's Blast-From-The-Past Clarity of Vision.

Yeee Hawww! The Cowboys have an almost insurmountable lead at halftime. Oh wait. The Packers are catching up. Wait, Romo, don't throw now. Nooooo. So much for the playoffs. Probably.

Are you ready for Christmas? I think MBH has taken care of that for us. I chose not to put up the outside lights this year. I could try to justify that by mentioning how brief the time was between Thanksgiving and Christmas, but really, I just didn't feel like it. I suppose I might have if there were another 7-10 days there, but maybe not.

At work, we have to reboot our machines at least once a week. When I plugged in this morning, it seems I must do that this morning and it started a timer that will force it if I do not reboot by hand. My time is counting down, so I will finish this and let it restart.

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