Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Good Morning, Good Morning, Good

I am writing the first part of this blog before Chorale practice as I watch the most recent Homeland. Wow. What is going to happen before the mid-season finale?

Today's post title is brought to you by The Beatles. It is some of the lyrics from the song Good Morning. Since we are talking about mornings, let's check out a breakfast from our hotel last week. Here are the girls enjoying their pancakes. BTW, yesterday was the younger one's birthday. Happy Birthday, KNW! Doesn't she look older?

Not to be outdone, here is JV enjoying his pancakes.

And finally, we are getting ready to enter the park for the day.

Did you read that Disney bought Star Wars (Lucasfilm)? I was apparently using the Force on my Clarity of Vision back in 2009.

OK, it is Wednesday morning and I have more to say.

While there are newer and perhaps more elaborate Christmas light displays, this one is short and clever. If you want to see some others, this article lists several.

Having trouble finding that perfect gift for your loved one? Who doesn't love chocolate (besides IT Sis)?

What brings the season to mind better than carols? I know you are tempted to say a new Britney CD, but you would be wrong. Duck Dynasty Christmas Carols.

I have not seen Frozen, but I do know about Hidden Mickeys. Apparently, there are some in the movie. Did any of you see them?

Has What Does the Fox Say? been out long enough for a parody? Of course. What Does the Spleen Do?

I have played long enough. I need to knock out some real work before my lunchtime meeting with my financial adviser. I plan to be back real soon, though.

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