Monday, December 23, 2013

Two Days Until Christmas!

Did you sing a bunch of Christmas hymns at church yesterday? We did three hymns and then the praise team led a new chorus. The hymns were those new, jazzy arrangements. Still, at least the choruses sounded like the good old stuff I remember. The 6-CD changer in the car is full of only Christmas CDs. Whoo hoo.

And the sermon was very good, but I especially enjoyed Sunday School. We saw a video where a dude scientifically identified what he thinks the Christmas star was. I haven't looked through the entire website yet, but since it is math-based, he had me at hello. He feels he has proven that Jesus was born around June, 2BC, and crucified on April 3, 33AD. I have your attention now, right? And what was the star? I won't tell you yet. Check the Bethlehem Star site and see if he shares it.

When is your Christmas Eve service. Ours are mid-afternoon, leaving families time to participate and still have time that evening for their own private time. We will go to ours, then have an early dinner with family.

We kept the GRANDS last night, so I didn't get around to loading any photos. We had KNW's birthday party Saturday night, then the kids last night. We've had a lot of fun.

Want a grrrrrreat discount of reallllly pricey ribs? Check out this grocery store sign.

Tired of plain cocoa (hot chocolate)? Try some of these ideas. Well, I mean, if you want to. In years past, I would get a daily cup of cocoa during the winter. Now, I can't handle that much sugar. Still, these ideas could almost tempt me to try some of them.

Let's go ahead and look at a new (well, old, but not seen in a while) Clarity of Vision.

Do you get any additional days off from work? I mean, besides Christmas Day. Do any of you have jobs where you have to work on Wednesday? What about next week around New Year's Day?

Have you been following this Duck Dynasty uproar? The father is certainly staying true to his beliefs. I pray I could be so strong and resolute.

I'm sure Daughter-in-Love already knows these cookie baking tips, and I knew most, but I did not know part of #2. Curious what that is? Check it out.

Probably no blog post tomorrow, but never say never. Of course, I didn't say never, and sometimes I do say never, and other times, I say probably. You probably understood me from the beginning, so let's move on.

I will not say thanks for reading me during 2013 yet, saving that for sometime next week. I can say, "Have a Great and Blessed Christmas Holiday!" I'll see you later in the week.

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