Thursday, December 12, 2013

Mary and an Angel Appeared to Me Last Night

We went to see the granddaughters in a church nativity play last night, so no photos today. One was Mary and one was an angel (in the first play and a member of a a wandering singing group in the second). Children's plays are always fun, aren't they?

I met with our financial management company yesterday to see if any changes are needed as we enter the last few pre-retirement years. We did decide to add an annuity that will pay a guaranteed amount for a little assurance against a somewhat volatile stock market. It seems weird to really be planning for this (and telling you about it). And for you younger types, read this and make sure you are thinking ahead.

Hmm, It seems I shared a writing credit on a CoV back in 2009. I cannot remember doing this any other time, so she must have really refined the idea instead of me just hearing a phrase an capturing it.

Does your family have an Elf on the Shelf? Does your elf appear in any photos. Check these out. Pretty clever.

This article shows the reality behind airbrushed ads. I enjoyed reading it.

It looks like this week's SNL is new. These promo videos are really funny and I hope the show delivers on what they promise.

Do you hate robot sales calls? I do, and thanks to my cable displaying who is calling, I never answer a phone number I don't know. Anyway, listen to this guy pushing back and challenging if the voice is real or robotic.

And with that, our time for now has come to an end. We will visit again soon, and no, I am not a robot.

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