Wednesday, December 04, 2013

*Cough*, *cough*, *sniff*

If you are a singer (and maybe even if you are not), the Christmas season is not a time to get sick. Teacher Daughter has some sore throat thing, and I have had a slight cough and occasional sore throat. So, last night's two-hour practice was a struggle. I did pick up some Fisherman's Friend to get me through the day.

I wonder if I was feeling down four years ago when I wrote this? Probably not. I was just commenting on how creative planners are when they name conference rooms.

And from either farther back comes a colorized version of a Lucy Christmas special. Will you watch it on Dec 20 on CBS? I would imagine my mother will. I will probably record it, too.

OK, all you iPad owners. Here's a challenge for you. Create a portrait of a family member using finger-painting software. This dude did it and recreated a photo of Morgan Freeman. Watch it and see if you could finish anything like this is 200 hours (for me, probably not even in 200 days).

Since it was Chorale practice night, I did not watch any TV and I am writing this blog on Wednesday morning. Tonight, though, is the weekly Survivor get-together. That means pizza and wings for most of us and quinoa and roasted sweet potatoes and kale salad for me. Yeah, baby.

OK, let start the day. Have a great one, my friends.

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