Monday, November 18, 2013

Tickling the Ivories

What's on while I write this? Well, it is Sunday night and we just watched Revolution, CSI is on now, and our final show of the night will be Amazing Race. Sounds like a pleasant evening, doesn't it? Sometimes, it is nice to relax and veg out in front of the boob tube. Plus, I am allowed to 'veg' out on this vegan diet. Ha ha.

Speaking of ivory tickling, this past Friday, it was not me or MBH playing the piano. I was the two granddaughters at their first recital. They did a great job, but they were much more at ease after their turn passed. I know SS got video of them, and the photos are on LMH's camera, so I'll need to share them another day. I watched from the hallway babysitting JV, but we did stand in the door while each of them played.

Here, though, is my behind-the-scenes shot of visiting Santa the next morning at Bass Pro Shop.

And when they rode the merry-go-round, it seems they rode at breakneck speed, although JV had stopped crying by then. Well, it seems that way when I tried to catch a shot without the flash.

I was apparently clever a few years ago. As proof, I offer another Clarity of Vision from 2009.

[Monday mumblings] I am moving between cubicles this coming Friday (which happens to be the 50th anniversary of the day John F. Kennedy was assassinated. I do not think the two events are related, although I do think all this cubicle shifting is the result of a conspiracy). Anyway, I will land one cubicle away from my first cube when I joined the company. Coincidence? I think not. OK, actually, I think so.

I scanned through my normal daily websites and did not see any links that I thought would captivate and and/or titillate you, so I am done for the day. Please resume your normal habits until we get together again on the morrow. Thanks for being a loyal reader, though.

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