Friday, November 15, 2013

Heigh Ho, Heigh Ho, It's Off Twerk We Go

I am writing this while watching Glee on Thursday night. Apparently, the glee club is learning to twerk, so that is what the title of today's post means. You could also consider it sort of a hidden Mickey.

We also watched Walking Dead. It seems that, during every season, episode 4 has something major happen. Was it true again this season? I'll never tell. Well, I won't tell in this post.

Speaking of the number 4, we are still walking through April, 2009 comics. We have made it to 4/13, so enjoy.

Remember that I said we went up north over the weekend. Well, here is the resort where we stayed. You can see the girls playing on a little locomotive at the entrance.

While the girls were outside, JV was playing with a hippo singing "I Want a Hippopotamus for Christmas". The stuffed animal was singing that, not JV. We listened to that song A LOT over the weekend.

And here's the whole family, together for a nice shot.

[Friday Fun Fact] Today, I am back in that fancy building for all-day training. I don't remember when I placed a photo in a previous blog, but since I was here for three months, I still have access to the room up on the ninth floor where I can work until time for class, and then come back up here to eat my lunch. Nice, huh?

With the two additional projects assigned to me, I am staying plenty busy, so I need to finish some stuff before the weekend, and since I have class starting in 1-1/2 hours, I've gotta go. Thanks for spending some time with me.

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