Monday, November 04, 2013

No, It's Not April Fool's Day, Despite What CoV Says

And we are back with your favorite website. Well, maybe your favorite family website. OK, fine, a family website. Anyway, does anything look different? No? You can't tell, but I am back in my normal desk for the first time in three months. I am actually typing this on a full-size keyboard and looking at my double monitor instead of the laptop keyboard and screen that has been my world since I went over to the special project.

Well, two weeks from Wednesday, I have my annual physical and we will see if three months as a vegan has done anything for my health. What is your guess? My regular doctor was concerned about some numbers crashing, but the evangelist-type dude that got me started says my doctor doesn't understand how numbers should work as a vegan. Yeah, that is an ugly middle ground for me. Anyway, I will stay true to my diet until at least 11/20. Then comes the tough decision. What to do on Thanksgiving.

And now, let's look at some more photos from our recent vacat... Never mind. I did not load any last night and I am typing this at my desk at work. I can still share a vintage Clarity of Vision, though, from that halcyon year of 2009. OK, I don't really know if it was peaceful or prosperous or carefree for either of us, but it was my first year of cartooning.

Over the weekend, MBH and TD spent the night at our son's house as part of a girl's weekend. So, I replaced the wax ring under one of the toilets. Oh yeah! A Wild and Crazy Time, indeed. However, it looks like the flange is not holding. Don't you hate that? I have never replaced one of those, have you? So, the toilet still rocks a tiny bit and will probably still leak a bit around the base.

Let's get our mind out of the toilet and talk about TV. I also got caught up on Person of Interest and Face-Off. I am behind on everything else. On Saturday, before she left, MBH and I saw Ender's Game. We enjoyed it and I thought they did a good job of telling the story, considering the complex story line. That is certainly one of the most interesting sci-fi books I have read. I can't tell you much without giving away the plot. It certainly had good SFX, though.

I need to be ready for whatever battles may come my way. So, I need to get my battle gear ready. I must ask you to stay calm and orderly as you depart. I'll lock the door behind you. See you tomorrow.

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