Thursday, November 21, 2013

Different than Back Home

Back when it was snowing in Ouray, Mom enjoyed watching the falling flakes...probably because it is so unlike anything she sees back home in the desert.

Speaking of things that are different from back home, what is this weird thing running down the road with a bulldozer blade on the front?

Do you remember that I told you the power went out while we were eating at Buen Tiempo? Here is a shot of that while we were waiting for it to be restored. We ended up leaving before it was restored (some 2-3 hours later). Unfortunately for Dad, he had already paid for the meal just a few minutes earlier. True, power can go out back home, too, but at least we are usually in our own home when that happens during the monsoon season.

Continuing with the old CoVs, we find one that looks Like I must have gotten a new boss around the time I wrote this comic. Right now, I do not have a new boss, and that is OK with me.

Did you miss me Wednesday? I was at the Mayo Clinic for my annual physical. This year, though, I wanted to see what difference the vegan diet is making in my numbers. Everything looked very good except for cholesterol. According to the doctor, there are six factors affecting a person's cholesterol numbers: diet, weight, exercise, age/gender, diabetes, heredity. I was very good on five of them, but heredity is a very strong indicator. He said that all the other numbers look good, so I can stay vegan if I choose, but I need to restart my statin pills on Thursday. With the family history, and how high the cholesterol numbers are, even though all the other blood and urine chemistry numbers are very good, we cannot take the risk of plaque buildup. So, here comes the sore muscles after workout again. Now, what to do about my diet?

Speaking of which, check out this article. I have not done it to help with global warming. The article also includes a quote by the doctor that wrote the book that got me started on this journey.

BTW, Survivor is on as I write this. And earlier, we caught up on CSI.

Here is an interesting little video about what started Paul McCartney and John Lennon writing their own songs.

Today is one of those days like previous positions required. I have meetings at 9:30am, 10am, 11am, 1pm and 2pm. I am leading the meetings at 9:30 and 2, so I need to be sure I have identified clear agendas and capture meeting minutes. Plus, I need to have all my weekly reporting information updated today. So, I'll get some preparatory work done this morning before everyone gets here. I also need to pack up my desk so they can move me 50 yds to another desk in the same building. As always, thanks for noticing my blog.

1 comment:

denise tucker said...

hmmm...yes, I love to listen to the b's music! along with the harmonies which where full of the most "unusual" styles to play? for a guitar I cant believe the chords they pulled out of the sky to throw on a piece of paper....pats cousin saw them in concert "live". NO they weren't before my time, but never was allowed to own a record by them when growing up, but have albums now of pats to listen to as well as cd's. as for the 50--yards (go for the touch-down) "you dallas fan"!! its the 4th down already....[ciao for now, am listening to the rain as I comment on reading a glimpse inside your technical world]