Thursday, November 14, 2013

New Projects Assigned, So No Time to Waste

I met with Boss Man (No, I am not going to shorten that to BM) yesterday. He assigned me two new projects, one of which is high priority, short timeline, and involves a contractor. So, I have my first meeting with the team at 9am. I think my key challenge on that will be monitoring the budget so that the work is complete before the contract runs our of funds.

I am noticing some dismal news about people signing up (or not) for Obamacare. I have never even looked at the site. Have any of you?

I'm not even going to explain it anymore. You can tell by the date in the lower left of each CoV when it was first written, and yes, we are still back in time in 2009.

Let's go back in time all the way to October of this year. You can tell in this photo how much it was snowing while we were visiting Ironton Township near Ouray, CO.

But it is nice and warm inside. Except, of course, that there are no doors and no glass in the windows.

And on the road home, here is the end of a flume or some sort of mine-related chute down the mountain. What would y'all call this?

One thing I am certainly not going to do is acknowledge that, before this vegan diet, I looked forward to the McRib coming back each year. And this article says I shouldn't eat them, even if I stop being vegan.

Time waits for no man, and I am a man, and time is not waiting for me, so I need to catch up to it. That, and I did not see anything else I wanted to share today. Have a good one and I'll go catch up with time.

1 comment:

denise tucker said...

well I didn't know I could visit your blog and be thrown into the warp of a "time machine"? your wife looks younger I don't know about the "older looking guy" in the picture-as for the white stuff: makes me feel cold just looking at it? better get my jacket on if I am going to sit down and stay awhile with my cup of hot chocolate....cant sleep as my cats seem to think its 6am but its only lil after 5am, they must also be in some type of "time warp" or they are sleep-running instead of sleep walking.--[ciao]