Monday, July 23, 2012

I Do and I Don't

Don't you hate those types of decisions? I do want to move up to more responsibility (and money), but I don't want to mess up my enjoyment of work and home life. I have a voice mail saying a decision has been made and to call after 8am to talk about it. So, now it becomes very real and I will either accept or reject it. Don't worry. You'll find out in the morning.

One thing I cannot accept is the way lyrics in pop songs are getting more and more explicit. Just think. This is the starting point for our kids and grandkids. Imagine what music will be by the time they are our age?

Ohhh. I just looked over some notes on my desk and I had written and idea for a CoV for today based on 7/20 being the anniversary of the moon landing. I guess I will do it tomorrow. Stay tuned.

The open house at Ali's school is a week from today. However, the school is still being constructed, so we cannot move all her stuff and set up the room until Thursday night. I suspect it will be a long weekend. Kathie's school starts around the same time, but since she is in the same room as last year, she has already started working on it. And whether I take a different job or not, the reorg will force me to move to a different building, but that is not the same as setting up a classroom.

As usual on Mondays, I've got a ton to do, so I am turning on my Doris Day album and getting to work. Que Sera Sera, my friends. Whatever will be, will be.


Craig Weeks said...

I've never understood the desire for more responsibility. More money? Yeah, I get that.

Lindsay Ward said...

I'm not sure if you actually have that album or not but I do. A gift from my grandmother on the other side, June as she used to sing me that song.