Thursday, July 26, 2012

Moving Day Again

Well, school days are here again, and that means that teachers across the country are setting up their rooms, starting to create lesson plans, and preparing for the first open house. It also means that husbands, fathers and boyfriends across the country and help their wives, kids, girlfriends move all of the paraphernalia back into the room. So, we start tonight by pulling materials and furniture out of storage and carting it over to Ali's new school. We borrowed the larger Expedition to make it in fewer trips. Yes, I said trips...with an 's' on the end.

You don't believe she has that much stuff? Then either you don't know her, or you are one of those people who don't believe we landed on the moon 43 years ago.
Kyle will argue that it was not real, but I think that is just because he likes to argue.

There is still a lot of moisture in the air here as we gear up for more monsoon storms over the weekend. Wow, it feels so hot and muggy outside. How do you people in tropical climates do it? I think I am too used to the dry desert after almost 30 years in it.

What can I say? A vendor brought in donuts this morning (Dunkin Donuts, not Krispy Kreme luckily). Yes, I had one (chocolate cake donut). Mmm, it was good.

Yesterday's 365-funny-sayings calendar said "These kids are going out and running a mile in five minutes. I can't even walk a mile in five minutes." It was by a mayor or Decatur, AL, speaking to kids at a pep rally. I had to read it twice to understand what he said and why it was funny. Did you get it immediately? I guess you're smarter than me.

OK, I know you don't believe it, but we've been visiting for 4-1/2 minutes. We'd better get back to our desks before the boss notices. Check you later.

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