Friday, July 27, 2012

Three Days Until School Open House

We got most of Ali's classroom supplies moved last night, but still have a lot in storage. So, tonight, we will go move that. Then, she and her mother have until Monday night to get both classrooms ready for their Open Houses. Some or all of us may be spending much of the weekend at one or both schools (they are not at the same one). As you might guess, I have heard wayyy tooooo much school chatter over the past week or so.

Perhaps I have not listened to their talk with sufficient enthusiasm or even interest? That is a strong possibility. So, they might want a hubby/daddy who at least feigns interest?
By the way, this is CoV #772. Have you read them all?

Well, it's Friday, so that makes almost anything more bearable. Not that there is anything that would otherwise unbearable. No, rather it means we have a couple of days where we don't have to rise at the crack of dawn to go sit at a desk for 8-9 hours each day. So, the weekend break is always welcome.

I have watched one of the two Hell's Kitchen episodes for this week. So, have I already received my fill of bleeped out cursing for the week or not? I guess not since I still have a second episode to view. Probably not tonight, though, since we still have storage items to move.

Well, I have to lead a meeting at 10am and prepare the department weekly status report, so I will bid you adieu. Adieu. To you and you and you. Whoa. I just channeled The Sound of Music for a moment. I think I need a weekend break.

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