Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Where's My Dry Heat?

I thought it was a dry heat in the desert of the Southwest. What is up with this 65% humidity. Luckily, it is stay around 100°F right now, but it feels pretty muggy. Just another six weeks or so and we'll be back to our 10% humidity again.

And, once again, the A/C in our building is acting flaky. I would guess it is 76° or so already and it is not even 7am yet.

Speaking of getting mugged (OK, muggy to mugged is a stretch), it is time for my quarterly change to passwords. Does your company force you to change your network password periodically? Do they have a bunch of rules on resetting them? We do.

I am hearing rumblings of changes at work again. Well, it has been several months since a reorg happened. Bring it on, people.

I have a meeting in another building at 10am, so I will lose my covered parking space. If the other people in the meeting had any compassion, they would come over here so I would not have to drive.

The Olympics start in less than two weeks. Do you think the positive nature of international competition will balance out the negativity of political campaign ads during the Games? Who will dive deeper - Obama and Romney or the Olympic divers?

OK, I need to get some stuff done before that meeting at 10, so let's just agree to disagree. Until tomorrow....

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