Wednesday, July 25, 2012

A One Anna Two...

Lewis, I do remember how the family would set up Grandma Walker in her den and keep us away (or at least, semi-quiet) during The Lawrence Welk Show. You are correct. That is the Que Sera Sera-type of music. I wonder what our kids will remember about our routine?

Lindsay, I am stuck on the final details needed to get the bathroom remodel underway. I think I need the contractor to meet me at Home Depot or Lowes and help me capture the final things (ideas like wall surface texture and color, how to transition floor tile into shower tile, etc). Unfortunately, with school starting next week, we are out of time, so I need to get it underway.

Speaking of out of time, this guy did not use his time wisely.
Thanks for Kath for suggesting this comic.

Wow, it was hard to get up this morning. I wonder what makes some days easier than others. Since I slept a little late (an extra 25 minutes!), I am running late on updating my blog, and that means running late on handling the initial email responses. So, let's get this party started and each do our own thing for a while. I will stop by tomorrow with a new CoV and personal comments. After all, I am a Legend.

Well, In My Own Mind.

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