Monday, July 16, 2012

It's Over Already?

How is it that vacation weeks go by so quickly, but normal workweeks seem to last forever? It's true, isn't it? Oh well, we need these periods of work to help pay for those weeks of vacation. We did have a good time, though, Perhaps you saw our feet on Facebook?

Maybe because I knew I had to get up, I woke up several times during the night. And maybe because I woke up, I remember a couple of weird dream sequences from the night.

One of them involves my college roommate starting to make his own cheese. I did not say they were logical or even interesting, just weird. So, all I remember is Craig getting a package at my house for cheese-making equipment and I had to arrange getting it to him in TX.

Another involved my cousin, Lewis, writing a book about Ballet. Now, I don't know that he has taken Ballet classes or even attended one. And unfortunately, that's all I remember, so I don't know that the book was ever written.

Now that I have jerked you around with my weird dreams, you probably wish you had air bags to protect you from sudden changes in my direction.

OK, vacation was nice, but now that I am back, there are things I need to get done. So, I will take another sudden turn and drop this post unexpectedl....


Lewis said...

My son told me about a dream he had the other night which, by the way, I was not in as a ballet dancer or ballet writer. I told him I was no "dream weaver" and could not help. He actually caught the Gary Wright song reference if you can believe it. Seriously, I took one psychology class in college and it was mostly about Freud and ids and egos and such and I never really got much of it. So, I cannot help you interpret your unusual dreams. I can assure you that I never took ballet lessons and, to my recollection, have never been to a live ballet performance. I realized at a fairly early age that, even though I like listening to music, my brain and my feet somehow refuse to work together when I try to dance. Consequently, I generally stay far away from any dance floors. I do like cheese though. If Craig makes some, tell him to send it my way.

lunettesdesoleilparis said...
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