Thursday, October 20, 2011

We Survived Another Wednesday

We have a family version of Survivor where we get together each week to watch the program and have pizza and chicken wings. Then, we see who can stand each other long enough to make it through the show. Nobody went home early last night, so I claim victory. At least for me. I did guess wrong on who I thought the TV tribe would send home, though. I claim defeat on that.

I claim victory on today's CoV, though. I think I can, since none of you wrote one for me.

Again, no photos, either on Blogger or on Facebook. I was gone to Survivor Night, remember?

Yup, it's a girl's night on Friday. Grandgirls, that is. Plus, Alison will be up from Casa Grande. So, four girls and me. On Saturday morning, though, we've got to take Ali's car back in. They did not fully fix her ignition problem.

I am caught up at work after being out for a week. That's good. It doesn't mean I don't have a lot to do, though. However, the things that I missed from last week are now completed.

OK, I think I will get my day started. After all, it won't start itself. Hasta later, muchachos.

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