Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Walkers Walking

The last two nights, we have resumed our evening walk. Of course, Morris is happy. He loves the opportunity to mark his territory in new places. Mainly, we had to wait until Kathie's pinkie was sufficiently healed that she felt OK walking again. Now that she has begun therapy, we are starting off with shorter walks, but should soon reach a 1-mile per night walk. You can imagine she will be extra cautious when we reach the spot where she slipped in January.

Now that the CD Project has been recorded, I wonder what Bruce will have the Chorale practice. I know there is a concert Sunday, so we will almost certainly choose songs from the CD-related repertoire. Still, I am ready to work on some new stuff.

When we drove through TX a few weeks ago, we looked for a billboard that used to stand beside I-20. It had the faces of George W. and Laura Bush welcoming us to Odessa. We heard that it does still exist, but is no longer beside the freeway through town. Oh, how the mighty have fallen.

Speaking of presidents, today's Clarity of Vision is once again based in his office. Yup, I am reusing sets in my cartoon. Is that the height of laziness or what?

I need to contact our A/C dude soon. It is time for the annual checkup. We are scheduled to reach 98F by Friday, so the heavy usage time is near. Of course, I have been running the A/C for quite a while already, but let's get is cleaned and checked. Better safe than sorry.

I am typing today's blog entry for a second time. For some reason, blogger.com locked up and I lost all my earlier typing. I wish I knew what I said. I clicked Save Now once it stopped responding, but I was apparently too late.

Let's get out of here before we lose everything again. Women and children first. Then, every man for himself. As for me, I am outta here now....

1 comment:

Craig Weeks said...

A smaller and much more worn version of this billboard is still available for your viewing pleasure as you enter Crawford from the south on highway 317. I saw it with my own eyes on 3-18-2011.