Thursday, March 17, 2011

It's My Monday

I am back in the office and the past seven days are a blur. Somehow, though, the work is still waiting on me. What is up with that?

Ben's funeral was very moving and still uplifting. How can a non-Christian ever truly deal with the loss of a loved one? We do know that Ben died in a car accident and immediately woke up in the arms of the Savior. Hallelujah. Of course, we who remain behind will grieve him, but it is a grief borne of separation and not hopelessness.

When we returned from the drive to and from Dallas, we were home for two days and then drove to Disneyland. It was there that this came up.

It is always fun, but it was really getting busy yesterday as more people arrived for Spring Break. Luckily, we were there since the weekend, so we did not mind leaving.

However, leaving "The Happiest Place on Earth" does mean that I return to "The Place That Pays My Salary," so here I am. And yup, I do have my ongoing Thursday 8:30am meeting. Since I was out yesterday, I have not yet prepared the agenda information, so I need to get on that.

I should have more to say tomorrow, and I need to look for a paper that lists the CoV ideas I came up with during my trip. It has been so crazy that I have misplaced it. I hope I find it. I am sure that at least one of the was funny.

Why did we go to The Dis right now? We go every year around this time to celebrate a birthday. Happy Fifth Birthday, Isabella Walker!

OK, time to get back into work mode. You should go ahead and get something done for your employer, too. I'll be back tomorrow.

1 comment:

Brenda Walker said...

Happy Birthday to Bella! What a great birthday to be able to celebrate it at Disneyland!