Monday, March 21, 2011

Five Days in a Row

It looks as if I will be working all five days this week. That's just wrong. Of course, I do enjoy my job and my teammates, but I like time off, too. And I bet Disneyland would be much less crowded this week now that Spring Break is over. However, it would not be less expensive, so I'd best build back up my bank account first.

Rick and Denise were planning to return to work this week, so continue to pray for them as they continue their grieving.

I did not really want to, but could not find an excuse to skip yesterday's East Valley Chorale concert. As it turned out, I am glad I went and it was a pretty good concert. This coming weekend, though, will be a struggle. We are working to record a CD and have sessions scheduled Friday night, Saturday morning and Saturday afternoon. We will be singing (ha ha, at first, I typed sinning) for about 12 hours.

I have worn glasses since I was 10 years old. I did try contact lenses once, but I could not get used to the feel of them on my eyes and I have never tried them again. Anyway, I just got a new pair within the last month, and the lenses I chose made me think of today's cartoon.

Three meetings today. Three meetings on Tuesday. Only one on Wednesday. Not too bad, right? One of tomorrow's meetings is a charity relay where our team carries a 5-gallon water container (weighing 40 lbs) for 3 miles in support of developing countries where that is how they must retrieve their water. No, I will not be part of the carrying team as I am just getting over a back ache that lasted over one month. I did contribute towards the cause, though. You can read about it here.

OK, either my eyes are deceiving me or it is time to get to work. Let's make this a great week, OK. See you tomorrow.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

do you have a treadmill? if so you could still be a sponser...let it run for the 3 miles like on tv with the dog doing all of the work... am praying for your family in the loss of a (especially if its the only son he had) pat had dreams all the time of his son but, was always the period of growth in which his son was age 5-10 years old for some reason. when we got the news mike & shiela jones came to our home to pray with us since we were in their sunday school class at the time. pat wasnt even acknowledged as his father (attending the funeral in florida) i perfectly understand the grief in which you ALL will share a part kind of fell violated, as if someone came and stole him away from you (as pat would remind me)well better go, as i have kylee with me (spring break for her this week) see ya, patch