Wednesday, October 06, 2010

What Storm?

I have to start today's post with a mention of the storm last night. It might have been mild for any of you that live in storm-prone areas, but Phoenix is not used to them. First, we all got scared because water fell from the sky. What could that portend? It was bad enough that they closed the airport for a while. So there.

It finished off our lemon tree, breaking off the entire upper structure. Poor little thing. The noise of thunder and hail was almost more than our dog could stand. Here's what happened.

We had our annual all Christmas music practice at Chorale last night. We have a number of people who join the group just for the season and then leave in January. Oh well, the more, the merrier. Many were surprised that Dad was at practice after the heart attack last week. They obviously don't know Dad, huh?

Did I mention we had a big storm last night?

A nice byproduct of the change in weather is the change in temperatures. Our winter temps have to be the reason people decided to live here. It made me ready to return to Colorado. OK, we did not get down to those temperatures, but I am sure we were below 80F. Where's my jacket?

People are standing beside my cube talking about the storm. One guy said conditions less than one mile away from home were right for a tornado. I'm glad it did not happen. It should only occur during the day when I can catch a photo of it.

I fell back asleep after the alarm this morning. so I am running a little late. I don't want to rain on your parade, but I will sign off now. I'll leave the TV on the Weather Channel for you until you come back in the morning.

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