Wednesday, October 20, 2010

I Relish This Blog

I do enjoy creating both my Clarity of Vision and my daily posts in this blog. Today, I'd like to point you to the other blog I maintain for a full write-up on how I work through a CoV from concept to completed cartoon. The link is on the left, but the CoV is right here.
We are going to get some rain here today and I tried to think of a CoV idea about rain or weather that would play for four panels, but nothing came to mind. My first thought was "it's not a real storm unless parts of the city lose power." I also considered "storms dumped a total of 7 inches of rain in the city...over the past 12 months." See? I could not get anything that felt CoV-able.

As I reviewed my CoV idea log, I see several that I don't even know what I meant. For example, "nicknames." Or "which is better? English or paper." I also have some that are still stewing such as "gazebook - social network site for narcissists" or 'social network site for fortune tellers - fatesbook." I like their concepts, but am not sure how to build my strip around them. thoughts?

I know that we let at least 3 people go from our team last night. Tough times are still here, huh? I also heard about 2 others in a different building, but I don't know why they are no longer here.

Today is CoV #377 and post #792. That is a lot of posting for as little as I have to say. And it is over 1 year's worth of CoV cartoons. A couple of them were funny. Admit it. You laughed at those 2, didn't you?

Only 3 meetings today. This first is at 8am. Luckily, it is not my meeting, so I can attend via telecom and just listen. It is training for the new HP Service management system for tracking trouble tickets. Sounds fun, right?

Kathie went to a sing-along Sound of Music last night with a friend from school. She said they had a good time. You know what I'd like to see? A talk-along Airplane.

OK, I need to answer some emails before I attend my exciting training. You can stay, but please do not read over my shoulder.

1 comment:

Craig Weeks said...

I could have fun at a "Sound of Music" singalong ... BUT ... if Alamo Draft House *ever* brings back the "Blazing Saddles" quote-along I will NOT miss it ... like last time.