Thursday, October 21, 2010

Making the Most of a Rainy Thursday

Well, I came up with a unique title for today's post, but I am not sure what I mean. How will I make the most of a day like this? Go outside and act out Singing in the Rain? Going to the mall and walking around for exercise? Buy a bunch of cheap umbrellas and sell them at the exit door this afternoon when people leave? Stay indoors and read? Speaking of that, let's go ahead and read today's CoV since it is related to the last statement.
Only two meetings today and both are here in my building. Yeah, baby. That's the way to make the most of a rainy day. I hope to completely finish development of the project tracking tool training slides today.

Dad gum it. I forgot the leftover pizza for lunch and brought PB&J again. Oh well. I guess I have lunch for tomorrow now. Do most of you bring a lunch to save money or do you buy most days?

Can you believe Mrs. Cleaver and Mr. Cunningham both passed away this week? At least they will stay with us in reruns. Even as I write this, the Leave It to Beaver theme song is rattling around in my head. And now, ha ha, I've stuck it in yours, too. That will teach you to spend time reading this blog.

You know, some production company ought to gather all the old pilot episodes for failed TV shows and sell them via DVD. Wouldn't some of that stuff be funny to see? Or even include shows that made it. What about the pilot for My Mother The Car? What was in that pilot that made the network say "Yes. We want that show on our network." What about Cop Rock? Dark Shadows? Queen for a Day? Bowling for Dollars?

OK, that past is past. We have to live in the present, and work here, too. So, I'm going to work. Turn off the TV when you leave.


Craig Weeks said...

I eat out about once a week. Usually fast food and usually under 5 dollars. How surprising can that be? The last part, I mean.

Charity said...

I like "Dad gum it." My dad used to say "Dag nab it." Just made me smile. PS. Enjoy living in the present... and TV :D

Charity said...
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