Wednesday, October 27, 2010


What? Am I looking towards Friday too soon? Can there ever be a 'too soon' when it comes to Friday? Plus, reaching Friday means we are closer to Tuesday, which means we are almost past all these political advertisements on TV.

Ah. The weather is quite pleasant right now. It was a brisk 58F when I came in this morning. I had to back off a bit on the A/C in the car during my commute. And it is only supposed to reach 83F this afternoon. True, it will be 90F again by Friday, but that's not today, as I mentioned above. Sure, I am stuck indoors all day working, but knowing it is cool outside helps.

Hey, someone took my computer last night. OK, they asked for it and I gave it to them. And sure, it was not really my computer, it was Dad's. And fine, it was Dad that needed it. He gave me some sob story and I believed him.

I do still have my work computer, and I transferred some of our photos from the Fall Break trip onto it. Here are a couple from near Ouray, CO.

I also have an image not related to our trip. Today's CoV continues a thread I started last week about famous names working in the project management area.

I have got to finish the training documentation today for our PM tool. So please, don't bother me while I'm working. I will step away and leave y'all to visit. We can plan to visit together again tomorrow. OK?


Keith said...

Great pictures! Man, I'm envious!You were lucky to get to go to CO this time of year, weren't you? Were you? Do you feel lucky? Well, do ya, punk?

Anonymous said...

oh what a shock...some "eastwood" quotes! well am impressed of todays "toon" i am thinking...a 45 magnum which is what he generally used & dont forget the pancho he wore/boots made the costume! of course the music was always the same in almost a whistling fashion; think he had a cigar, if i remember correctly? of course this cant compare to "zorro" who is my second cowboy hero, then john wayne maybe....keep the wheels turnin randy!